Vinterferie og føllesdag

I vinterferien var vi på Thurø i Jens og Hannes sommerhus. Mogens, Tea og ungerne var på besøg nogle dage og ligeledes var Heidi og lasse + kids. Der blev gået ture, drukket bajere OG Sigrid holdt sin føller i de maje idylleriske omgivelser.

Hanne og Jens knaldhytte på Thurø, Pile Allé 205 – nyt og sååå fint
Strandkants idyl 100 meter fra sommerhuset. Her hyres med sten i stor stil og Knud kan inden længe kaste lige så langt som sin far
6 års fødselaren – bunker af gaver, skønsang og kage


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  30. I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. You have such a beautiful writing style. I appreciate your wonderful post.

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  33. It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.

  34. You appear to be able to read my thoughts. It’s as though you authored the book on this subject or something. You seem to know so much about it. I think a few graphics could help to emphasise the point a little bit more, but other than that, this is a terrific blog, and I will surely be back.

  35. You appear to be able to read my thoughts. It’s as though you authored the book on this subject or something. You seem to know so much about it. I think a few graphics could help to emphasise the point a little bit more, but other than that, this is a terrific blog, and I will surely be back.

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  38. It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.

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  43. I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.

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  45. Whoa, that blog style is awesome. For what duration have you been blogging? You made it look so easy. Overall, your website looks great, and the content is much better.

  46. I wanted to express how amazing your post is. I could tell you are an authority on this subject because of how obvious it is. If everything is up to you, I would want to follow your feed so I can be informed when you publish new content. Many thanks, and keep up the fantastic work.

  47. I don’t know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was excellent. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger very soon if you aren’t already. Salutations.

  48. I wanted to express how amazing your post is. I could tell you are an authority on this subject because of how obvious it is. If everything is up to you, I would want to follow your feed so I can be informed when you publish new content. Many thanks, and keep up the fantastic work.

  49. You appear to be able to read my thoughts. It’s as though you authored the book on this subject or something. You seem to know so much about it. I think a few graphics could help to emphasise the point a little bit more, but other than that, this is a terrific blog, and I will surely be back.

  50. What a fantastic blog layout! For what duration have you been blogging? You make it look so easy. Both the general design and substance of your website are excellent.

  51. My brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

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  55. I don’t see how you aren’t even more well-liked than you might be right now. Your breadth of knowledge on the issue convinced me of your extraordinary intelligence from a number of angles. It appears that until something has to do with Lady Gaga, people are uninterested in everything. Continue your fantastic work.

  56. I have perused some remarkable items on this site that are unquestionably valuable to bookmark for later use. I’m interested in how much effort you put into creating such a fantastic and instructive website.

  57. I thought you did a great job on this. Although your language is excellent and the picture is enticing, you come across as nervous about what you might be giving next. If you save this walk, I hope you will come back here often.

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  59. Hello, you’ve done a fantastic job. I’m sure my friends will find it helpful, so I’ll check it out and tell them about it.

  60. It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.

  61. I’ve been online for more than three hours now, and I haven’t found any articles as fascinating as yours. I think it’s worth it enough. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as yours, the internet would be far more useful than it already is.

  62. Of course, I like your website, but several of your pieces need to have their spelling checked. Several of them contain multiple spelling mistakes, which makes it challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will most certainly return.

  63. This is a really good place to read, and I’ve bookmarked it for later. I’m curious how much effort goes into making a webpage this excellent and instructive.

  64. It was impossible for me to leave your website without expressing my gratitude for the excellent knowledge you give your visitors. Without a doubt, I’ll be checking back frequently to see what updates you’ve made.

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  84. I don’t understand how you’re not smarter than you currently are. I think you’re incredibly smart because of the ways in which your knowledge of this subject leads me to believe it. It appears that unless it has to do with Woman gaga, neither men nor women are interested in this topic. You are doing fantastic work; keep it up.

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  86. What a fantastic blog layout! For what duration have you been blogging? You make it look so easy. Both the general design and substance of your website are excellent.

  87. I’m grateful. I have been looking for information on this subject for a time, and this is the best resource I have discovered thus far. What about the bottom line, though? Do you know for sure what the supply is?

  88. Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

  89. Hi, good post. Your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. You should look into this since many people will miss your great articles due of this problem, especially since IE is still the most widely used browser.

  90. I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.

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  92. I’m grateful. I have been looking for information on this subject for a time, and this is the best resource I have discovered thus far. What about the bottom line, though? Do you know for sure what the supply is?

  93. Hi, member of my family. I just wanted to say how fantastic this article is—it’s nicely written and has nearly all of the important details. I hope to see more content similar to this one.

  94. Of course, I like your website, but several of your pieces need to have their spelling checked. Several of them contain multiple spelling mistakes, which makes it challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will most certainly return.

  95. Just as much as I did, I relished what you accomplished here. Your language is elegant and the drawing is enticing, yet you appear rushed to get to the next thing you should be providing. If you keep this walk safe, I’ll come back more often.

  96. What a fantastic blog layout! For what duration have you been blogging? You make it look so easy. Both the general design and substance of your website are excellent.

  97. Hello, you’ve done a fantastic job. I’m sure my friends will find it helpful, so I’ll check it out and tell them about it.

  98. My cousin told me about this website, but I’m not sure if he made this message because no one else understands my issues as well as he does. Thank you; you are very fantastic.

  99. Hello my darling, I just wanted to express how well written and comprehensive this post is, covering almost all the essential details. More blogs like this one would be nice, in my opinion.

  100. Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

  101. I’ve been browsing the internet for more than three hours, and I haven’t seen any posts as fascinating as yours. I think it’s well worth the investment. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as you do, the internet would be significantly more useful than it already is.

  102. How long have you been blogging? Your blog design is amazing. You make it look so easy. Your website looks great overall, and the content is great as well.

  103. Hello, you’ve done a fantastic job. I’m sure my friends will find it helpful, so I’ll check it out and tell them about it.

  104. Hello, I would want to keep in contact with you regarding your writings on AOL because I genuinely appreciate your writing. I’m excited to see you soon. I need a specialist in this area to address my issue. Perhaps you are that somebody.

  105. Hi, good post. Your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. You should look into this since many people will miss your great articles due of this problem, especially since IE is still the most widely used browser.

  106. I don’t understand how you’re not smarter than you currently are. I think you’re incredibly smart because of the ways in which your knowledge of this subject leads me to believe it. It appears that unless it has to do with Woman gaga, neither men nor women are interested in this topic. You are doing fantastic work; keep it up.

  107. My brother was absolutely right when he suggested that I would like this website. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.

  108. Hi, good post. Your website appears to have an issue with Internet Explorer. This problem will cause a lot of people to miss your good content because IE is still the most common browser.

  109. I appreciate your fortunate post. It was very funny, and it seems like you’ve reached a much nicer level now. How are we going to talk to one other now?

  110. Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.

  111. I’ve been online for more than three hours now, and I haven’t found any articles as fascinating as yours. I think it’s worth it enough. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as yours, the internet would be far more useful than it already is.

  112. I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. You have such a beautiful writing style. I appreciate your wonderful post.

  113. I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. You have such a beautiful writing style. I appreciate your wonderful post.

  114. Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.

  115. My cousin recommended this page to me, but no one else seems to know my concerns as well as he does, so I’m not sure whether he wrote this post. You are amazing; I appreciate you.

  116. I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. Your writing style has truly struck me as impressive. I appreciate your wonderful essay.

  117. It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.

  118. Hello, I would want to keep in contact with you regarding your writings on AOL because I genuinely appreciate your writing. I’m excited to see you soon. I need a specialist in this area to address my issue. Perhaps you are that somebody.

  119. I couldn’t help but be enthralled with the basic information you offered about your visitors, so much so that I returned to your website to review and double-check recently published content.

  120. I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I thought this post was awesome. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger if you aren’t already. Salutations.

  121. Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

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